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Tauranga Based Photographer

Tauranga Based Photographer - Boudoir, Branding, Head-shots, Teens and Glamour

Hi and welcome!

I hope your all staying dry and safe during the insanely un-freindly summer weather!

So this is all new to me and my first blog, like EVER, in my life, so please be nice and let me know if i get it wrong! :)

So first up, a little about me, even though there is a page on my website, i can go a little further in depth here.

My name is Melissa Reid, but you can call “Mel”, im originally from Paeroa, from a dairy farm, which i still call home and go back to and milk cows every now and then, a country bumpkin at heart.

I moved to Tauranga when i was 18, i studied Hospitality at Polytechnic, worked the industry for roughly 9 years and then i went and traveled around the world.

I came back after many years, had my daughter and became a single mum, and currently still am one, (so if you know of a nice single man....hehe). I continued in the hospo industry for little longer and then i studied Early Child Education, which i am still working part time while building up my Photography business, which is actually hard work. Building a name and reputation for yourself and your brand is hard work, i had no idea how much time, energy and effort was needed to go into building a business. However, here i am today, loving it, well at least 90% of the time haha. The other 10% of the time you ask? Well, that is paper work, the worst part of running a business, well for me anyway, im a more hands on type person and would rather be taking stunning images of people and helping them grow with in themselves, reminding people of their own unique beauty and helping to lift their self esteem and confidence within themselves and, or, help to build businesses with Business Branding images and head-shots of staff.

Out side of all the above, i like to run, (when i can), and enjoy being out in nature. I enjoy growing my vege garden, walking amongst the trees or being at the beach. And when the weather allows it, having friends over for bbqs and drinks.

I have a daughter names Sophia, who just yesterday started her first day of College, super excited but anxious at the same time

So i think that’s enough about me.

I am hoping to be consistent on here with current updates, tips and tricks for posing or taking those all time favorite selfies.

If there is something you’d like me talk about in particular on here, then please please contact me and let me know, i am always available and open to any ideas you may have. Look me up on Fb and or insta and send me a message.


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